Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Someone Else's Numbers

Today is a misty rainy type day. And along with yesterday, it's a pain and inflammation flare up day. To say I'm taking things easy is probably an understatement. 

So today is a day of knitting someone else's numbers, not trying to crunch my own.

I'm knitting a pair of Fire & Ice Fingerless Mitts by Roz Harmon. I find the cables soothing. I'm almost done the thumb gusset so this one (the left mitt) will be done soon and then onto the right one! I'm trying to get these finished before Sunday ends; they're my entry/score for a game a group I'm in is holding. It's fun to find patterns and/or yarn you've had for a bit and not tried yet. I'm finding these games give me a chance to get to those patterns that otherwise would've probably sat in my library for ages before I found them again!


And to be honest, it's nice to just be able to just knit without needing to decide whether 9 sts of moss st overwhelms or accents a particular cable, or whether the new lace edging repeat is going to work out to cast off all the shawl's body sts, or ... You get the idea.

Dr Jakey is on the case, so there's no worries about me going anywhere; he's literally on the case, ie Me! There is nothing so determined to thwart movement as a comfortable cat. 

What's on your needles today? Something soothing? Perhaps a pattern you've knit before? Or maybe a new pattern that you just had to start? 

Til next time,

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